About Me

Learn about me and what makes my pieces so special! 

Do you ever wish you had something special to wear that has hidden purpose that only you could feel? Something to protect you or manifest something special? A lucky charm of sorts! Look no further! Blue Amuletum is jewelry made with potent intent. Metals, gemstones, found objects and symbolism joined together in jewelry to enhance your daily life. My jewelry is not finely finished, Be aware of that going in, it is Artisan jewelry, handcrafted with dynamic energy infused into each one of a kind piece. Sometimes I will distress the backs with meditative symbols or lines filled with intent. On occasion, they will tell me what their purpose is and I listen, that will be listed as message jewelry. They are created in my home studio with Care and respect for the materials and my own personal magic. If you ask me nicely I may be inclined to use my abilities to charge your Amulet with a particular intent that you desire before I send it to you.There is a helpful page with a list of properties and Lore of the materials used. The list will continuously be updated as I add new Amulets.